Hilma af Klint at Moderna Muséet, Malmö

The Hilma af Klint exhibition at Moderna Muséet in Malmö is a selection of Klint’s most well known works. Hilma af Klint was a Swedish pioneer in the abstract art scene , 1862-1944. Her famous style could only be described as timeless, as her paintings, which incorporate geometric shapes and colors inspire artists to this day.

Her use of geometric shapes and colors have a deeper meaning than just an aesthetic. They reflect on her life as a scientist and psychic, which is the reason to why the exhibition is titled Hilma af Klint - Konstnär, Forskare, Medium. Her paintings discusses subjects like the relationship between life and death, religion, philosophy and gender. For example, does she use color to describe gender and geometric shapes to separate the material world from the spiritual world. 

An example of that is a painting in the series Evolutionen (evolution), where a man and a woman see the world through different perspectives. The woman, who is painted blue on a light background is listening with a seashell that she holds to her ear, while the man, who is painted yellow on a dark background looks down in a bowl at a reflection of the world above him. The man and the woman are painted in equal size which describes that fact that men and women are equal.


Another example is her series De tio största (The ten largest), where she paints the human life through different ages with geometric shapes and pastel colors. 


